Northeast American Diocese Sunday School Association, congratulating the rank holders and all students who participated in the 2019 Centralized Examinations in Grades V,VIII,X,XII and Teachers Training Certification.
About 602 students registered from churches of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Boston, Canada, Washington, Northern Virginia and Pennsylvania. This year also we were able to accommodate few students with special needs, and were given separate examination procedures prepared for them. Our special congratulations to them and to their parents.
Hard work is the recipe of success. All of you have made yourself, your parents, your teachers, your parish and your diocese very proud. It is the result of preparation, hard work and your prayers.

Congratulations on your excellent examination results and good luck for more excellent achievement in the future. May God bless you all with success and abundant happiness.
Centralized Examination Committee would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Diocesan Metropolitan His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, former Sunday school director Rev. Gregory Varghese, current Sunday school director Rev. Shawn Thomas, all parish Vicars, Principals, Teachers, for your support and prayers. Also expressing our sincere gratitude to the proctors, question paper setters, answer sheet sorters, answer sheet evaluators, Sunday School board members, website administrator, all area coordinators and everyone who supported us in one way or other.

May God bless you all with success and abundant happiness.”

Please find the attached rank list.

Yours in His Service
Benny Varghese
Centralized Examination Coordinator

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